July 2019 comparative test

add.03 synthetic leather mat, eyewear (add.03)
Number of subjects: 4
average data
[Myoelectric potential measurement]
Normal time: 2187
When wearing performance wear: 2179
Total increase/decrease rate: 47.1%
Average: 11.8%
[Respiratory metabolism * calorie consumption]
Normal time: 3237
When wearing performance wear: 3386
Total increase/decrease rate: 18.2%
Average: 4.55%
[Arousal level * heart rate]
at rest
Normal time: 64
Wearing performance wear: 69
Total increase/decrease rate: 25.4%
Average: 6.35%
[Measurement of concentration endurance]
Normal time: 1.06
Sum of change rate: 8.47%
Average: 1.06%
When wearing performance wear: 100
Sum of change rate: 8.03%
Average: 1%
